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Prof. Han, Joo-Hwan in MSE, YU

MgO Heat Dissipating Fillers: Production Processes

(1) Spray-drying Mg(OH)2 or MgO Slurry -> Sintering Granules to Dense Spherical MgO


Manufacturer YU (한국 Academic Research) Soul Material (한국) Tateho / Denka (일본)
Raw Materials

Mg(OH)2 + Sintering Additives1)

Mg(OH)2 + Sintering Additives2) MgO + Sintering Additive3)
Slurry (Solvent) DI Water DI Water Alcohol (Organic)
Mixing Wet Milling (Ball-Milling)5,6) Wet Milling Wet Milling
Granulation Aqeuous Spray Drying4) Aqeuous Spray Drying Non-aq. Spray Drying3)
Granules Mg(OH)2 phase Mg(OH)2 phase MgO phase
Sintering Temp. 1350 oC ~1400 oC >1600 oC
Shape of Fillers Spherical Spherical Spherical
Surface Treatment*) Coupling Agent <0.25~0.5% - -

Moisture Absorption

0.00% <0.1% 0.1%


Humidity Test : 85oC/85% 72h

85oC/85% 72h 85oC/85% 168h

1) Patent Pending, 2) Kor. Patent 10-2143817 & 10-2205178,  3) US Patent 8518536, Kor. Patent 10-2404942 & PCT/JP2021/033639

4) Kor. Patent 10-2724809,  5,6) Kor. Patent Pending

*) Surface treatment not only improves the moisture resistance of the magnesium oxide heat dissipation filler, but also has the advantage of facilitating heat transfer by strengthening the bond between the filler surface and the resin in TIM.


  A. Yeungnam University (Korea)







    B. Soul Material (Korea)




    C. Denka / Tateho (Japan)





(2) High Temperature Heat-treatment and then crushing of MgO


Manufacturer Ube Industries5) (일본) Remarks
Raw Materials Mg(OH)2 + CaO, SiO2  Impurity B2O3 < 0.5%
Sintering Temp. 1800~2000oC Rotary Kiln
Shape of Fillers  Roundish not spherical
Moisture Absorption 0.18~0.36% 85oC/85% 48h
Surface Treatment Halogen e.g. NH4F + Silanes 120~200oC
Moisture Absorption 0.0 ~ 0.1% After Surface Treatment
Humidity Test 121oC/100% 24h  

                                                              5) PCT/JP2021/044152, Kor. Patent 10-1981636 & 10-1933142


    A. Ube Industries (Japan)